Board Retreat Facilitation to Develop Mission, Vision, and Strategic Priorities

American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association (ASTDA)

Project Years: 2019, 2022

The American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association (ASTDA) is in the process of transition, moving from a set of longstanding board members to a new group of leaders who are younger, more diverse, and interested in expanding the scope and role of ASTDA overall. In 2019, Facente Consulting was hired to facilitate a half-day session at ASTDA’s board retreat in Vancouver to try to help the new board come to consensus about organizational goals and purpose. During this retreat, the board of directors successfully reached consensus on a final mission statement, as well as an updated list of objectives, values and commitments, to bring the organization forward into a new phase of work.

This effort was so foundational to the growth and progress of ASTDA that the leadership invited Facente Consulting back to their 2022 board retreat to lead the group to develop a series of strategic priorities. With the help of Facente Consulting’s facilitation at this second half-day event, the ASTDA board came to agreement on key initiatives and action items for the next three years. Facente Consulting designed an interactive agenda that helped the nearly two dozen board members prioritize their ideas for future activities by both feasibility and impact, shaping the future course of the Association.