From 2022-2023, the California Department of Public Health’s California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP) sought guidance in developing a resource to guide equity and justice in the work of CTPP and its partners. The resource was intended to build upon and update CTPP’s former (2013) Health Equity Plan in the context of current health equity needs and commercial tobacco prevention efforts.
To understand the perspectives of CTPP’s partners on topics like equity and justice, Facente Consulting planned a Health Equity Summit in conjunction with a statewide workgroup. Facente Consulting facilitated the Summit and conducted follow-up listening sessions with CTPP partners to understand the opportunities and challenges they experienced in addressing equity and justice in their work. Based on input from these processes, Facente Consulting drafted an outline of the Equity and Justice Framework, shared it with partners for comments and feedback, and used that information to draft the Framework. Facente Consulting also produced an interim and final summary report about the Equity and Justice Framework Development process and shared it with partners.