Community Engagement to Support Development of a Meaningful HIV and STD Prevention RFP

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Division of HIV and STD Programs

Project Years: 2024-2025

In LA County, almost all HIV and STD direct service to consumers is subcontracted to local community-based organizations that operate clinics and programs. This is done every 4-6 years through a countywide “Request for Proposals,” or RFP. The RFP sets requirements and best practices for services for the next funding period, and community organizations then develop proposals in response, highlighting what they plan to offer and how much money they need to do so, in alignment with the requirements and best practices. In 2024, it was time to release a new RFP, and the county wanted to make sure the document was informed by community voices. 

Facente Consulting was hired to design, plan, and facilitate a series of in-person and virtual listening sessions throughout LA County. The audiences of these interactive sessions included current providers of HIV/STD services, and current or potential consumers of those services. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation was available, when appropriate, and $40 gift cards were offered to compensate community members for their time and expertise. In the end, Facente Consulting staff summarized the key findings from these listening sessions in a final written report and presentation of recommendations to inform the RFP in development.