Mission, Vision, and Values Development for a Bay Area Training Center

Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center

Project Years: 2024

The Bay Area, North, & Central Coast (BANCC) region of the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (PAETC) offers a variety of trainings and professional development activities for care teams in the BANCC areas of California, with a focus on HIV prevention, clinical management of HIV/AIDS and related major co-morbidities (e.g., mental health, substance use, and sexually transmitted infections). While much of their work is dictated by the overarching mission, vision, and goals of PAETC, PAETC-BANCC wanted to develop a locally tailored set of mission, vision, and values statements to guide their work in this unique part of the state.

PAETC-BANCC hired Facente Consulting to facilitate a half-day team retreat focused on developing a mission statement, vision statement, and set of values that are aligned with the overall PAETC mission and vision, but tailored to BANCC. The new round of federal funding will be announced six weeks after the half-day retreat, making BANCC’s opportunities and resource constraints clear. At that time we will facilitate a full-day retreat with the same team, this time focused on setting strategic priorities for local work and setting the organization up for detailed action planning for the next three years.