Strategic Facilitation of an All-Staff Retreat for the California Prevention Training Center

California Prevention Training Center

Project Years: 2023-2024

After three years of the COVID pandemic and with a new director at the helm, the California Prevention Training Center (CAPTC) was ready for what they called “strategic planning light” – basically a review and light refresh of their mission, vision, and values, high-level goal setting for the next three years, and facilitated conversation about the way their team could function best in a remote work environment, with a steadfast commitment to leadership in anti-racism and health equity.

The CAPTC hired Facente Consulting to help them design and facilitate their two-day all-staff retreat, to be held in beautiful Long Beach, CA. We first conducted interviews with a few staff who’ve been working at the organization for various lengths of time, then worked with leadership to design an interactive agenda that would help them advance their shared goals. The retreat received exceptional scores on the post-event evaluation, as the 39 staff in attendance felt the retreat had given them an opportunity to connect with each other as a team and chart a clear path for their future priorities together.