Capacity-Building Assistance for Programs Serving Trans People in the Midwest

San Francisco Community Health Center

Project Years: 2021-2022

The San Francisco Community Health Center (SFCHC) received funds from the CDC to implement a virtual capacity-building assistance (CBA) initiative to improve HIV-related service delivery to trans people in the Midwest United States. SFCHC needed support designing and implementing a six-session community of practice (CoP) that brought together community-based organizations, health departments, and other agencies across the Midwest for peer-to-peer learning on this topic.

In this one-year project, Facente Consulting worked closely with SFCHC and a team of six consultants of trans experience to plan and implement CoP sessions over Zoom. Facente Consulting supported project management, event logistics, and coordination between SFCHC, CDC, and the consultant team, along with marketing the events to the intended audience. Facente Consulting evaluated CoP sessions, conducted regular debriefs with the consultant team, and wrote a report of lessons learned to inform future similar projects that SFCHC and/or CDC might lead, working closely with SFCHC staff after the CoP was over to support them to translate lessons learned into their ongoing CBA work in the Midwest.