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Syringe Services Programs Best Practices Tool Development

Facente Consulting was hired to create a set of performance standards to provide guidance and best practices for public health departments, community-based organizations, and community stakeholders/service providers around the country as they developed and expanded syringe services programs in their areas.

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Technical Assistance

Shelley Facente and Katie Burk were selected as a member of the technical assistance team that was part of a new national technical assistance center at NASTAD designed to support viral hepatitis prevention and surveillance personnel at state, territorial, and major city/county health departments.

Hep elimiNATION Toolkit Planning and Development
O'Neill Institute

In partnership with the O’Neill Institute, Facente Consulting conducted a needs assessment for the hep elimiNATION toolkit, collecting qualitative data from over a dozen health department staff working in viral hepatitis about what they would want to see in a hepatitis elimination planning toolkit. Facente Consulting then provided an outline for the toolkit, and developed content for three of its modules.

Harm Reduction and Housing Video Series

In partnership with NASTAD, Facente Consulting created a two-page summary, as well as a series of videos summarizing evidence, that provide tools and best practices and highlight a variety of real-life examples of harm reduction housing models that support frontline workers.