The California Department of Public Health has partnered with Facente Consulting to provide free technical assistance on the Integrated Statewide Strategic Plan’s Implementation Blueprint. In addition to workshops designed to support the implementation of the strategic plan, tailored technical assistance is offered for any county/Local Health Jurisdiction in California. A menu of technical assistance options can be found below. In general, technical assistance includes coaching and thought partnership, resource identification and community mapping, evaluation planning, and strategic planning and meeting facilitation.
Implementation Blueprint Technical Assistance Menu
- Support with blueprint adaptation
- Meeting facilitation related to blueprint adaptation
- Reviewing and providing feedback on local blueprint drafts
- Integration of various plans/activities, including EHE, into the blueprint
- Showing how to crosswalk various plans/activities
- Community engagement
- Assistance with community engagement (e.g., town halls, focus groups, surveys)
- Brainstorming regarding engaging community members in implementation work
- Support with blueprint implementation
- Strategizing/problem-solving/thought partnership to remove barriers to successful implementation
- Meeting facilitation related to implementation
- Strengthening collaborations
- Sharing best practices for developing cross-discipline partnerships
- Evaluation planning
- Developing an evaluation strategy
- Thought partnership on metrics, outcomes, and other aspects of evaluation
Facente Consulting will review technical assistance requests outside of these options and every effort will be made to address needs that are within our scope. Facente Consulting also provides access to half-day and multi-day strategy sessions. For more information regarding technical assistance including to make a request, please email
Adaptation and Implementation Resources
Workshop Series
You are invited to register for as many workshops as you like:
- Customizing the blueprint and aligning local plans including EHE provided technical assistance and best practices for these strategies. Recording available at:
- Prioritization and feasibility exercises provided guidance and tools for helping to dive into all the activities in the blueprint and determine which are highest priority for your jurisdiction, and which should be tackled now, eventually, and later or not at all. Recording available here:
- Community mapping model for collaborating provided information about how to use Google Maps and other tools to create catalogs of community assets and other stakeholders or resources relevant to your efforts to end the epidemics. Recording availabe at:
- Communicating the blueprint and other community engagement activities will take place on 5/6 at 2 pm. This workshop will provide technical assistance and best practices for engaging community voice and developing a communication plan for your local blueprint. Please register in advance for this workshop: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Click here for the tool to adapt the blueprint at the local level.
Click here for the prioritization tool.
Click here for the recording of the implementation blueprint webinar.
Click here to view the recording of the introductory webinar on the implementation blueprint, and view the slides.
Click here for the power mapping template.
Click here for the Harm Reduction assessment of services tool.
Click here for the Harm Reduction Workshop.
Click here for the Communication Planning Guidance.
Click here for Twelve Tips for Inclusion of PWUD.