Facente Consulting helped the California Department of Public Health to research and submit a report to the legislature summarizing findings and recommendations about the effectiveness and feasibility of routine HIV screening in California emergency departments.
Dr. Facente was a co-investigator on this two-year research study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), with the goal of better understanding the epidemiology of hepatitis C in three high-burden subpopulations in San Francisco.
Facente Consulting analyzed qualitative data from interviews with 92 cranio-maxillofacial surgeons worldwide to identify key training needs.
San Francisco AIDS Foundation asked Facente Consulting to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan to monitor potential changes in client outcomes following implementation of their new strategic plan.
Facente Consulting was hired by academic physicians at Stanford’s School of Medicine to coordinate the qualitative research aspects of a study designed to better understand gender-based differences in how academic physicians think about and experience success in their careers.
Facente Consulting assisted a medical team at Stanford’s academic hospital with analyzing both qualitative and quantative survey data collected to explore the experiences and effects of gendered microaggressions by patients toward physicians.
Facente Consulting was selected by End Hep C SF to design and lead a mixed-methods needs assessment to identify gaps in hepatitis C (HCV) testing and treatment in San Francisco jails, identify best practices for treatment and linkage, and develop a HCV care cascade for people currently or recently incarcerated.
Facente Consulting conducted a landscape analysis, including stakeholder interviews and focus groups, to help the San Francisco Department of Public Health better understand the health needs of people who use drugs in San Francisco.
Facente Consulting assisted the San Francisco Department of Public Health in summarizing the history and current landscape of various efforts to address hepatitis B in San Francisco, serving as the foundation upon which a strategy to comprehensively address HBV citywide could be launched.
Facente Consulting evaluated the impact of Gender Spectrum’s gender-inclusive trainings on staff and students from trained schools.
Facente Consulting created a technical assistance package for NASTAD, providing information and helpful tools and tips about the use of CBPR models to evaluate impact of harm reduction programs.
Facente Consulting worked with the California Department of Public Health to develop an equity-centered outbreak response plan.
Facente Consulting worked with the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Center for Learning and Innovation to support the design and implementation of Project INVEST (Innovations that Value Equity and Stength in Teams), a workforce retention evaluation initiative.
Facente Consulting was hired to conceptualize and complete an assessment of clinical implementation efforts for LAI PrEP and ART.
Facente Consulting is collaborating with the Sierra Health Foundation to improve access to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) services in California.
Facente Consulting is implementing an evaluation of Harm Reduction Michigan’s initiative to establish naloxone boxes as a form of overdose prevention.