Dr. Facente was a co-investigator on this two-year research study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), with the goal of better understanding the epidemiology of hepatitis C in three high-burden subpopulations in San Francisco.
Project Descriptions
Research Coordination and Data Analysis for an NIH R21 Study on Hepatitis C Epidemiology
Strategic Planning to Guide Investments in Communities Most Impacted by HIV
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Community Health Leadership Institute (CHLI) Implementation Support
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Strategic Planning for Hepatitis C Elimination
Hep C Free Allegheny
Strategic Planning for Elimination of California’s HIV/HCV/STI Syndemic
California Department of Public Health
Collective Impact Backbone Support and Data Analysis to Eliminate Hepatitis C
End Hep C SF
Guidance for Integrating Hepatitis C Services into Opioid Treatment Programs in the Midwest
University of Missouri–Kansas City
Strategic Facilitation to Improve Van-based Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) - Gastroenterology
Needs Assessment and Recommendations to Prevent Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis C
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Tailored Materials and Town Halls to Engage Communities in Epidemics Planning
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Support for Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Planning, Data Analysis, and Reporting
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Needs Assessment to Guide HIV and HCV Services for People Experiencing Homelessness
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Process and Impact Evaluation for a Hepatitis C Elimination Collective Impact Initiative
End Hep C SF
Needs Assessment of Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment in the Jail System
End Hep C SF
Facente Consulting was selected by End Hep C SF to design and lead a mixed-methods needs assessment to identify gaps in hepatitis C (HCV) testing and treatment in San Francisco jails, identify best practices for treatment and linkage, and develop a HCV care cascade for people currently or recently incarcerated.
Technical Assistance to Support Hepatitis C Surveillance
Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Program Evaluation
San Francisco Community Health Center
Assistance to Develop a System of Panel Management within a Jail Medical System
San Francisco Jail Health Services
Strategic Planning for SAMHSA Harm Reduction Grantees
Hep elimiNATION Toolkit Planning and Development
O'Neill Institute
In partnership with the O’Neill Institute, Facente Consulting conducted a needs assessment for the hep elimiNATION toolkit, collecting qualitative data from over a dozen health department staff working in viral hepatitis about what they would want to see in a hepatitis elimination planning toolkit. Facente Consulting then provided an outline for the toolkit, and developed content for three of its modules.
Sexual and Drug User Health Sector Workforce Equity Playbook
San Francisco Department of Public Health
California Department of Public Health Strategic Plan Implementation
California Department of Public Health
Facente Consulting is supporting the California Department of Public Health and various counties throughout the state with technical assistance to develop and deploy the Implementation Blueprint in support of California’s Integrated Statewide Strategic Plan for Addressing HIV, HCV, and STIs from 2022-2026.
Supplemental Report to a Guide on HCV Services in Opioid Treatment Programs
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Development of a Survey and Report to Assess Harm Reduction Capacity in Nevada
The Larson Institute
Program Planning for Rafiki Coalition’s UMOJA Health Access Point
Rafiki Coalition for Health & Wellness
Facente Consulting provided program planning, retreat facilitation, and implementation technical assistance to the Rafiki Coalition to launch UMOJA, a Health Access Point funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health to provide coordinated, wholistic, and Afrocentric services to address the syndemic of HIV, HCV, STIs and related health and social issues within San Francisco’s Black and African American communities,