Ending the Syndemic Symposium

To view/download slides, please click the hyperlinked session or presentation title.

For questions please contact Perry Rhodes III at perry@facenteconsulitng.com.

Day 1

Data Updates and Progress towards Ending the HIV Epidemic
Presenter: Allison Hargreaves, CDPH

Impacting Health Behavior Online
Presenter: Matthew Moss, Peregrine Media

California Strategic Plan
Presenters: LeRoy Blea, CDPH and Sara Durán, Facente Consulting

View Day 1 Videos: (Spanish) (English)

Day 2

9:15-11:00 Session A: Building a Workforce that Reflects the Populations Served in Sexual and Drug-use Health Services: The CHLI Workforce Development Training and Mentorship Model
Moderators: Katie Faulkner, and Anna Weitzman, CHLI)

View Videos: (Spanish not available) (English)

9:15-11:00 Session B: Integrated Care and Prevention for Cisgender Women
Moderator: Betty Uribe, Christie’s Place

View Videos: (Spanish) (English)

11:15-12:45 Session A: HIV and Aging: Quality of Life
Moderator: Kevin Sitter, CDPH

View Videos: (Spanish) (English not available)

11:15-12:45 Session B: Self-Testing Program Update
Moderator: LeRoy Blea, CDPH

View Videos: (Spanish) (English)

Day 3

9:15-11:00 Session A: Housing First: The Continuum of Housing Needs
Moderator: Jessica Heskin, CDPH

View Videos: (Spanish) (English)

9:15-11:00 Session B: Integrated Prevention and Care for BIPOC MSM
Moderator: Perry Rhodes III, Facente Consulting

View Videos: (Spanish) (English)

11:15-12:45 Session A: Data to Care
Moderator: Brett AugsJoost, CDPH

View Videos: (Spanish) (English)

11:15-12:45 Session B: Integrated Prevention and Care for Transgender People
Moderator: Tiffany Woods, CDPH

View Videos: (Spanish) (English)

Day 4

Street Medicine Demonstration Project
Presenter: Brett J. Feldman

Regional Planning to Ending the HIV Epidemic
Presenter: Elena Rosenberg-Carlson, CHIPTS

“Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative” California Phase 1 Counties:

View Day 4 Videos: (Spanish) (English)