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Strategic Planning to End Family Homelessness
Hamilton Families

Hamilton Families asked Facente Consulting to assist them in developing a three-year strategic plan to cultivate organizational excellence, strengthen high-impact services for homeless families during the pandemic recovery period, and design an advocacy program to drive systemic change for the future.

HIV and Housing Assessment and Call to Action
San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Through the process of working with San Francisco AIDS Foundation to develop a community-driven plan to end homelessness among people living with HIV, a new vision for the project emerged – a Call to Action, endorsed by the HIV community, calling on San Francisco to address the root causes of homelessness for all people in the city.

Community Materials Development and Town Hall Meeting Facilitation for Dissemination of San Francisco’s Ending the Epidemics Plan
San Francisco Department of Public Health

Facente Consulting worked with community-based organizations representing five priority populations (Blacks/African Americans, Latines, trans women, people who inject drugs, and people experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity) to develop town hall events and community-focused materials to disseminate information and gather community feedback about San Francisco’s plan to End the HIV, Hepatitis C, and STI epidemics.

Process and Impact Evaluation for a Collective Impact Initiative
End Hep C SF

Facente Consulting manages the ongoing evaluation of End Hep C SF, writing an annual report on the strengths and weaknesses of the group’s function as a collective impact initiative and designing and maintaining a public dashboard of progress toward elimination using the Results-Based AccountabilityTM framework.

Treasure Island Visioning Process
One Treasure Island

Facente Consulting worked with One Treasure Island, a local nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of Treasure Island, to conduct a process that established a shared aspirational vision statement for the island rooted in inclusion, equity, and belonging and that supports a cultural foundation for the community and its redevelopment.

UNAIDS Terminology Guidelines Updates

Facente Consulting worked with UNAIDS and global partners to update their terminology guidelines, which provide common definitions of basic terms and concepts related to HIV response.

Program Planning for Rafiki Coalition’s UMOJA Health Access Point
Rafiki Coalition for Health & Wellness

Facente Consulting provided program planning, retreat facilitation, and implementation technical assistance to the Rafiki Coalition to launch UMOJA, a Health Access Point funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health to provide coordinated, wholistic, and Afrocentric services to address the syndemic of HIV, HCV, STIs and related health and social issues within San Francisco’s Black and African American communities,