Facente Consulting was hired to plan and facilitate highly political local coordinating committee meetings for the 2020 International AIDS Conference, which was slated to be jointly held in San Francisco and Oakland, CA until it was forced to move to a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project Descriptions
Coordination of the 2020 International AIDS Conference
Theory of Change Development for Harm Reduction Programming
AIDS United
Strategic Planning to Guide Investments in Communities Most Impacted by HIV
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Impact Evaluation of a Social Connection Intervention to Improve LGBTQ+ Mental Health
San Francisco Community Health Center
Development of a Comprehensive Program Evaluation for a Neighborhood-Wide Program
Tenderloin Community Benefit District (TLCBD)
Strategic Planning to Support People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The Arc San Francisco
Needs Assessment for Youth from Low-Income Families
One Treasure Island
Strategic Planning to End Family Homelessness
Hamilton Families
Hamilton Families asked Facente Consulting to assist them in developing a three-year strategic plan to cultivate organizational excellence, strengthen high-impact services for homeless families during the pandemic recovery period, and design an advocacy program to drive systemic change for the future.
94124 COVID Connect & Care (C3) Project Management
Rafiki Coalition for Health & Wellness
Strategic Planning for Hepatitis C Elimination
Hep C Free Allegheny
Development of National Performance Standards for Syringe Services Programs
Developing a “Story Map” about Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
CAMI Health
Building Evaluation Capacity for Programs who serve People Living with HIV
The Shanti Project
Promotional Material Development to Improve Service Experience of Clients Living with HIV
Shanti Project
Evaluation and “True North” Facilitation for Youth LGBT Program
The San Francisco LGBT Center
Development and Implementation of Organizational Impact Evaluation
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
HIV and Housing Assessment and Call to Action
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Strategic Planning for HIV and Aging Programs
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Executive Coaching and Support to Improve Organizational Functioning
Tenderloin Community Benefit District
Development of Online Training for Syringe Services Programs
Retreat Facilitation to Support Teamwork within a Harm Reduction Program
Statistical Analysis to Support Evaluation of a LGBTQ+ Mental Health Intervention
LGBTQ Connection
Technical Assistance to Support Hepatitis C Surveillance
Strategic Planning for LGBTQ+ Seniors
Planning and Facilitation of a Summit on the Rural Opioid Crisis
Project Inform
Strategic Assistance for a Coalition of Black Led Organizations
Rafiki Coalition for Health & Wellness
Planning for Program Integration for People Living With HIV
San Francisco Community Health Center
LGBTQ+ Commercial Tobacco Control Program Evaluation Support
San Francisco Community Health Center
Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Program Evaluation
San Francisco Community Health Center
Capacity-Building Assistance for Programs Serving Trans People in the Midwest
San Francisco Community Health Center
Facente Consulting supported San Francisco Community Health Center in designing and implementing a six-session community of practice that brought together community-based organizations, health departments, and other agencies in the Midwest United States for peer-to-peer learning to improve HIV-related service delivery to trans people in the US.
Coordinating Stakeholder Engagement for a Transportation Study on Treasure Island
One Treasure Island
BEAM Staff Retreat
Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM)
Evaluation of Gender-Inclusive School Trainings in California
Gender Spectrum
Creating a Toolkit for Conducting Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) in Harm Reduction Settings
Strategic Planning for SAMHSA Harm Reduction Grantees
Evaluation for CDC-Funded Syringe Service Program Vaccine Scale-Up
Harm Reduction and Housing Video Series
Treasure Island Visioning Process
One Treasure Island
Facente Consulting worked with One Treasure Island, a local nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of Treasure Island, to conduct a process that established a shared aspirational vision statement for the island rooted in inclusion, equity, and belonging and that supports a cultural foundation for the community and its redevelopment.
Strategic Planning to Better Support Homeless Families
Raphael House
Prosperity Broward Community Engagement Process Guide
Ocha Transformations
Planning a Team Retreat to Support Workforce Transformation Efforts
San Francisco Community Health Center
SFDPH Community Referral Network Assessment and Recommendations
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Rafiki Coalition Project Management
Rafiki Coalition for Health & Wellness
Strategic Support for the California Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Initiative
National Harm Reduction Coalition
Facilitation of the Community Advisory Team for RTI International’s Strengthening Syringe Services Project
RTI International
Program Planning for Rafiki Coalition’s UMOJA Health Access Point
Rafiki Coalition for Health & Wellness
Facente Consulting provided program planning, retreat facilitation, and implementation technical assistance to the Rafiki Coalition to launch UMOJA, a Health Access Point funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health to provide coordinated, wholistic, and Afrocentric services to address the syndemic of HIV, HCV, STIs and related health and social issues within San Francisco’s Black and African American communities,
Strategic Planning to Manage Impending Budget Cuts
Hamilton Families
Facilitation and Planning Support for the East Bay Drug Checking Collaborative
HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County
Goal Setting and Program Planning for a Permanent Supportive Housing Provider
Alameda Point Collaborative
Facente Consulting worked with Alameda Point Collaborative to support a small-scale strategic planning process and the development of a theory of change, with the goal of reviewing key initiatives and centering resident feedback as they enter into an era of growth and redevelopment of housing projects.