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HCV Elimination Strategic Planning
Hep C Free Allegheny

Even before COVID-19 made “Zoom” a household word, Facente Consulting worked with Hep C Free Allegheny to virtually facilitate a strategic planning process for their hepatitis C elimination initiative, cutting costs and maximizing efficiency while planning their next three years of priorities.

Community Materials Development and Town Hall Meeting Facilitation for Dissemination of San Francisco’s Ending the Epidemics Plan
San Francisco Department of Public Health

Facente Consulting worked with community-based organizations representing five priority populations (Blacks/African Americans, Latines, trans women, people who inject drugs, and people experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity) to develop town hall events and community-focused materials to disseminate information and gather community feedback about San Francisco’s plan to End the HIV, Hepatitis C, and STI epidemics.

Hep elimiNATION Toolkit Planning and Development
O'Neill Institute

In partnership with the O’Neill Institute, Facente Consulting conducted a needs assessment for the hep elimiNATION toolkit, collecting qualitative data from over a dozen health department staff working in viral hepatitis about what they would want to see in a hepatitis elimination planning toolkit. Facente Consulting then provided an outline for the toolkit, and developed content for three of its modules.

UNAIDS Terminology Guidelines Updates

Facente Consulting worked with UNAIDS and global partners to update their terminology guidelines, which provide common definitions of basic terms and concepts related to HIV response.